防寒服 EN342 Protective clothing - Ensembles and garments for protection against cold
防雨服 EN343 Protective clothing - Protection against rain
耐热和防火服 EN367 Protective clothing - Protection against heat and fire - Method of determining heat transmission on exposure to flame
使用手持链锯的人的防护服 EN381 Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws
消防服 EN469 Protective clothing for firefighters - Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting
移动时有纠缠危险的防护服 EN510 Specification for protective clothing for use where there is a risk of entanglement with moving parts
防液体与气体化学物质的防护服 EN943 Protective clothing against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid aerosols and solid particles
防辐射服 EN1073 Protective clothing against radioactive contamination
防切割和刺伤的防护服 EN1082 Protective clothing - Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives
防静电服 EN1149 Protective clothing - Electrostatic properties
非专业人士的可视服 EN1150 Protective clothing - Visibility clothing for non-professional use
防机械碰撞的机车服 EN1621 Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact
防化学制品的防护服 EN ISO6529 Protective clothing - Protection against chemicals - Determination of resistance of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids and gases
焊接防护服 EN ISO11611 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes
轻度风险(10%左右), 属于最低限度的防护,只需要自我声明即可;
中度风险(80%左右), 需由独立实验室检验,欧盟公告机构发证;
重度风险(10%左右), 用于防护致命危险或能导致严重健康的不可恢复的损害的复杂的设计的,由独立实验室检验,并有制造过程质量保险。