CE认证:户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用座椅和桌子标准要求

        BS EN 581-1: 2006 outdoor furniture - seating and table for camping, domestic and contract use Part 1: 户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用座椅和桌子
        BS EN 581-2: 2000 outdoor seating for camping, domestic and contract use Part 2: mechanical safety requirement and test methods 户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用椅子和桌子 -椅子机械安全要求和测试方法;
        1、 Stability 稳定性测试 According to BS EN 1022;
        3、 Backrest strength and fatigue 靠背强度和疲劳测试;
        4、 Armrest strength and fatigue 扶手强度和疲劳测试;
        5、 Leg strength 椅脚测试;
        BS EN 581-3: 1999   outdoor furniture - seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use Part 3: mechanical safety
equirement and test methods for tables 户外家具 – 露营, 家用和公司用椅子和桌子 
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